Collection of Japanese – style Delicacies


Collection of Japanese – style Delicacies


4.00 out of 5


This “Collection of Japanese – style Delicacies” includes a variety of classic Japanese cuisines. There is the shiny and fragrant eel rice, soft and glutinous rice balls, a delicate and diverse sushi platter, and steaming, fragrant ramen. Each one fully showcases the unique flavor of Japanese cuisine, making it an excellent combination for experiencing Japanese food culture.

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450 kcal


Soy Souse


600 g

1 review for Collection of Japanese – style Delicacies

  1. cmsmasters

    4 out of 5

    Sed rutrum, libero non pretium tristique, arcu mi sollicitudin ex, quis venenatis orci tellus vel dolor. Donec gravida, dolor ut auctor facilisis, enim dolor pellentesque lectus, nec vehicula nibh risus ac leo.

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